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Grateful as We Gather 'Round the Table

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What a blessing to gather for our annual 2b Thanksgiving Dinner! The sanctuary was filled with friends and children as we enjoyed a traditional Thanksgiving meal, sang our favorite hymns and departed for the evening with full tummies and a grateful heart.

Wherever we break bread together, God is at the table. It takes a lot of folks to put together an event this large and we are grateful to them for their commitment - and especially to Chef Robert, who always brings his family to help cook and clean at no extra charge. I pass on your comments, but if you can, write a prayer card to him, he will be very thankful to receive them!

We will be closed November 23rd to give you personal time with your families. Wednesday dinners resume November 30th.

Our annual Christmas Dinner and Children's program is just around the corner - December 14th. You do need to purchase tickets by December 11th. This deadline helps us know how much food to prepare and how many tables to set for you. We do not sell tickets at the door that evening.

After each meal, we send all food not served, to St. Benedict's to feed the hungry and homeless families in our city. We are so thankful that our "Gourmet Gospel" has grown outside the walls of Second B. Thank You for helping to make that possible!

We are celebrating a Year of Gratitude and Giving Thanks that we have survived a pandemic, a blizzard and extreme heat and drought. Thankful that we still gather in fellowship for worship and fun times.

Have you seen our new t-shirt??? It's our best one yet! The front says "Living Grateful" and back has Atomic Ichthus (our logo) on it. Adult and Kid sizes are available for $15.00.

The Lord Bless You as we celebrate this Season of Harvest.

Blessings & Best Dishes,


Thanksgiving is 'a Comin'

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Friends, soooo much going on at 2b these days! It is good to see our folks gather for church activities that covid had us put on hold. Wednesday evenings start with Fellowship meal 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Adult meals are $7.00 per person and children 12 and under are free. You will meet faithful regulars and some newcomers at the table each week.

We are entering our holiday season - out Thanksgiving dinner (feast) is November 16th with a traditional Thanksgiving dinner - turkey & dressing with all the trimmings and sides and probably some new items added. You do need to have purchased your dinner ticket by November 13th (before is better) noon -  to ensure we have enough food and a place for everyone to sit. Watch for tickets to go on sale soon at the Service Desk (outside of the main office), or get them now ONLINE on our Thanksgiving RSVP page at secondb.org/thanksgiving.

Christmas dinner is December 14th. Our church family will gather at 10:45 on December 11th for a special Christmas program from our choir and reception following ... no sermon that day - just music, music, music!

In the meantime, regular Wednesday dinners continue. You may make reservations for all our Wednesday dinners at secondb.org/wednesday . . . or sign the reservation list at the dinner table or in your Sunday School classroom. We need those reservations by Monday noon also. We celebrate all holidays, regardless of their date at Wednesday dinner - Taco Twednesday, Cinco de Mayo, Oktoberfest, Fat Tuesday, Halloween and more (planning an African meal and program).

Our gatherings are special - Jesus' dining experiences became a lifestyle around which he formed a school of disciples - He fed thousands of people with just a couple loaves of bread and a few fish. Second B's kitchen ministry is to help feed homeless, hungry folks at St. Benedicts with any food not served at our meals.

Your dinner attendance each week supports this ministry!

Blessings & Best Dishes,


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