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Lenten Lunch Online 2

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Our Lenten Lunch online, continues today and we are thrilled to remember a message from our former pastor, Dr. Hardy Clemons who served our church for over 20 years during the 60's 70's and 80's.

I have had the pleasure to speak with Hardy on a few occasions and he is surrounded by his family and his church, Trinity Baptist in San Antonio, Tx.  We continue to pray for him and our friends in Christ there. Today's message was originally given on Sunday, August 14, 1980.

Peace to you,



Image result for hardy clemmons pastor



Posted by Jake Maxwell with

Lenten Lunch Online

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Welcome to 2nd Baptist Blog.  As you may know, we have cancelled our onsite programming for the safety and sake of the well being of our congregation and community (read more about that here).

Today, we would have continued our Lenten Lunch Series, which is a time we gather for worship and fellowship during the lunch hour during Lent. 

Instead of our normal format, I'd like to tell you something I believe to be fantastic.  In the last few weeks, our Director of Operations, Mike Spann begun digitizing our sermon archives, many of which are cassette tapes in cardboard boxes.  We have a long way to go and many other ministry avenues with this advancement, but I am so thankful for his work with this.  Please join me in an enthusiastic, "Thank you Mike!"

Below is a sermon from our beloved brother, friend and former pastor.  This was recorded January 6, 1985 (about 35 years ago) which, if we are being honest, is before I was born.  Take a moment to listen to this incredible sermon.  With all that is happening in our world today, this word of hope is truly and inspiration.  Enjoy!

May the grace and peace of Christ be with you-


Second B welcomed renowned theologian Dr.  John Claypool to the pastoral team in 1982, once again breaking the cultural mold as Hardy Clemmons and John Claypool joined to create a new model for pastoral care and leadership.

This is the original Second Baptist Worship guide for this particular Sunday.

Posted by Jake Maxwell with
